NYC continues to please and surprise us

2 03 2009

7-12 inches of snow in a major city. You expect certain things, but our new city home continues to find ways to surprise us … here are some things that made us smile:

  1. Don’t have enough snow plows? So what. NYC handles large snow storms by attaching huge plows to their trash trucks. Makes sense to use what you have. Brilliant.
  2. Cancel schools? Well … it is a pretty big snow storm, so ok. But this was the first time in 5 years. Wow.
  3. Mayor says some other surprising things in his press release … if you go out, ask your neighbors if they need anything; if you’re in 5th grade, math tests are rescheduled until Wednesday; and then summarized key points in Spanish for those who are more comfortable with the Spanish language.
  4. City parks feel differently about snow days … come out and play! Each borough names one park with sledding and free hot cocoa! 🙂

It’s officially Christmas-season in our house

10 12 2008

On Monday, Conrad and I successfully recreated the “When Harry Met Sally” and bought, according to my specifications, the “tallest, skinnist, cheapest tree” the guy on the street could sell us, and carried it home.

Conrad wore a ratty coat and gloves to parade through the city, I dressed in my usual white coat and leather gloves. Hmm, why didn’t he TELL me he wore old clothes on purpose as trees have SAP. Argh.

But anyway, traipse across the park towards home, laden with tree and huge grins, we did.

Our tree is now nestled in his new tree stand and festooned with the fattest, tackiest lights Conrad could find, lights he procured last year when he surprise-decorated our apartment; strings of popcorn garland; the few Christmas ornaments we’ve collected on our travels; and holiday cards from friends and family.

On my walk to work this morning, I passed by 8 burley looking fireman standing outside their station. They were in a hot debate and money was on the line.  “5 dollars per man. How many ornaments do we have?” Yep. They were decorating the firehouse with what looked like antique painted wooden cut-outs – santa and his reindeer, holiday balls, and holly. Fierce.

Christmas is definitely in the air!

Happy Easter!

21 03 2008

Wishing all of our Christian friends a thoughtful Good Friday and Easter weekend. We plan to go up north to Connecticut to join Aunt Caroly’s side of the family for church service, ham and an egg hunt for the young-at-heart. It’s a fun tradition Conrad and I started even before we moved to New York. And since the NorthEast is usually a great time to witness spring, we’re usually surrounded by signs of rebirth and new beginnings.

A Happy Easter shout-out to Matt and Jen also … who joined us in NYC last year to celebrate our first Easter. We joined a small congregation for a sunrise service in Central Park. All 8 people who attended were cold … but it sure was memorable (we won’t be doing that again).

And, to those of you who revel in the sweet Easter treats, well … I can’t resist sharing a holiday favorite Conrad and I never stop chuckling about, it’s an oldy but goody … enjoy:

My butt hurts. What?